“Dragon” on CBC’s Dragons’ Den and Clearbanc Co-Founder Michele Romanow stopped by to chat about everything from understanding the role a little luck can play for an entrepreneur to suggesting entrepreneurs focus way too much on planning and not on execution.
In the video below, Michele explains why the last decade was especially disruptive to media, and identifies the next big industry in the disruption crosshairs — banking. Technologies like blockchain and AI, as well as the general way money moves in the world, is set to be drastically changed. She also discusses where Canada stands when you look at the global implications of massive change.
Tech titan Michele Romanow is an engineer and a serial entrepreneur who started five companies before her 33rd birthday. Named in WXN’s “100 Most Powerful in Canada” and listed as the only Canadian on Forbes’ “Millennial on a Mission” list, Michele brings her incredible entrepreneurial savvy to every stage.
Interested in learning more about Michele and what she can bring to your next event? Email us at [email protected].